Burton Center is a nonprofit agency that serves people with disabilities & special needs, including autism, intellectual disabilities, spinal cord injuries, head injuries and related disabilities. Services are free-of-charge to those who meet specific criteria according to the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs. Services are available for individuals and their families in the Abbeville, Edgefield, Greenwood, Lexington, McCormick, and Saluda county areas.
Since 1971, we have experienced incredible growth at the Burton Center. Now, the center serves over 500 people each year and has over 325 employees.
Services at the Burton Center include transportation services with over 65 vans and buses 4,400 miles each day. Each individual is provided transportation to the center and then back home in the afternoon. Services also include Day Services, Residential Services, Employment Services, and much more.
Adult Day Programs
Adult Day Programs are designed for adults over the age of 21 and provide a safe environment for work and training in vocational skills.
Each participant is trained in vocational skills to help them work towards independence and personal growth. These valuable skills are learned through in-house contracts and projects for local businesses. These adults earn money as they progress towards employment in the community. For more information about Employment Programs at Burton, please call (864)942-8900.
Residential Services
Burton Center currently offers 26 community residences within the Due West, Edgefield, Greenwood, Lexington, McCormick, Saluda, and Ware Shoals areas. Each home offers round-the-clock care, supervision, counseling, training and recreation to help individuals live as independently as possible. From intermediate care to supervised living programs, Burton Center provides the support that people with disabilities and their families need.
Genetic Evaluation, Treatment, and Counseling
Are available to families in which a developmental disability has occurred and to families at risk of having a child with a disability or a special need. Contact the Greenwood Genetic Center (888-442-4363)