Adult Day Programs
Burton Center is a non-profit governmental agency that offers services for people with disabilities and special needs, such as: autism, intellectual disabilities, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injuries, or related disabilities. Programs are available, free of charge, to the people who meet the eligibility requirements for admission. Adult Day Programs prepare individuals by discovering and developing their skills which will help make life more meaningful. Individuals are able to interact and socialize, follow schedules, and develop skills to help them possibly obtain a job in the community.
What Are Adult Day Programs At Burton Center?
Adult Day Programs are designed for adults over the age of 21 and provide a safe environment for work and training in life skills. Adults who participate in the program are able to learn invaluable work skills while earning money.
The program offers much more than standard work skills. It also helps participants get individual training in independent living skills, socialization, self-help, and more. Once the program is complete, the goal is to have highly employable members of society who are able to live independently while earning good wages.
The program is available at various Burton Center locations, including centers in:
- Greenwood
- Saluda
- Lexington
- Ware Shoals
Enclaves allow participants to work in local businesses and industries so that they are prepared for competitive employment and wages when the program ends. Mobile work crews train teams to perform various services, such as lawn care, landscaping, or janitorial duties.
Learn more about our Career Preparation and Job Placement Programs.
How To Apply For Consideration
You can apply for pre-screening and referrals through by calling 1-800-289-7012.
Adult Day Programs at Burton Center offer a wealth of opportunities to participants, positioning them for improving their life experiences and obtaining long-term success. In some cases the benefits are simply life changing for the participants and the families who love them.